
Can I Use my Phone to Check a Doorbell Camera?

by Cynthia White July 30th, 2019 | in Smart Homes

Can I Use my Phone to Check a Doorbell Camera?

Can I use my phone to check a doorbell camera?

Answer: Yes!

Doorbells remained the same for many decades, a simple button to push, that is connected to a chime that indicates someone is at the door. This has been a great system, serving many well for years and years. On occasion, adventurous people may have invested in a novelty chime.

So why mess with something that has worked? Well, for starters, doorbells are now available that has a considerable amount of new technology and security features built into them - specifically doorbell cameras.

Have you ever had the doorbell ring, and wonder who could it be? You are not alone with this. Whether it is a delivery, a friend, or a neighbourhood kid ringing and running, an unexpected visitor can leave a person with some stress, wondering who it could be, especially when home alone. This is where the power of doorbells with built in video surveillance comes into play.

People have used security cameras for a long time to monitor and view their property. Having a camera built into your doorbell allows you to record visitors as they come. The best part about this, is that most smart doorbells can be viewed from a compatible smartphone.

People who own smartphones tend to keep them on hand the majority of the time. Smart doorbells with built in cameras can quickly be accessed, and video viewed directly from this phone. If a visitor shows up, this gives you a chance to quickly take a look at who it is, and make a decision on whether it is safe to answer the door (or if you want to!). The smart doorbells will also give push notifications to your door, allowing you to know as soon as someone has walked up. This is great for delivery drivers when you are out, as you will be made aware of a delivery, or can even give directions to leave the package on the doorstep.

Smart home technology has given so many advancements to previously simple devices, improving not only our quality of life, but also our security. Consider investing in a doorbell camera with Scantech Alarms.

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