
Maintaining and Testing Home Security Systems: Trouble Shooting Common Problems

March 29th, 2023 | in Smart Homes
Maintaining and Testing Home Security Systems Trouble Shooting Common Problems

For your home security system to continue working effectively, you must regularly clean and test each device. Security cameras, smoke alarms, and keyless entry pads can all experience issues, leading to security breaches and downtime.

While each device works differently, here are some of the most common alarm issues and how to fix them.

Low Sound or False Alarm

If a fire alarm is going off randomly or is not as loud as it should be, it is often a sign of low batteries. The batteries on a smoke detector should be swapped every six months. Leaving the batteries in for longer than this can result in a faulty signal and the inability to effectively sound the alarm.

Device Not Activating When It Should

If smoke is wafting into your smoke detector and nothing is happening, chances are there that dust, debris, fur, or other airborne bacteria are blocking the sensors. The internal components of alarm systems are incredibly sensitive, and dust can render the alarm useless. To maintain ideal working conditions, clean your security system at least once every other month.

Unable to Connect Remotely

If you are having issues with the software or application for your home security system, you may have problems connecting to your cameras and monitoring your home remotely. To remedy this problem, upgrade your software or speak with a professional immediately.

Experiencing home security systems issues is stressful and can be hard to navigate. The best way to ensure your devices work correctly is by scheduling a professional inspection. At Scan-Tech Alarms, we specialize in installing, repairing, and maintaining security systems. Our team can assist with any problems you may experience.

For over 25 years, Marc and Jacqueline Cyr of Scan-Tech Alarm Systems Ltd. have helped to keep people and properties safe in Prince Albert and its surrounding areas.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about your security needs, please call our toll-free number at (877) 212-5276 or use the handy form on our Contact page.

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